Why exhibit

  • Present your patents, products, brand and activities.
  • Meet your next national and international clients.
  • Generate new business for your patents, products and services.
  • Gain visibility within your industry.

Why sponsor

  • Position yourself as a reference in your sector thanks to the visibility and notoriety  gained in P4i.
  • Position your brand as a key partner with an impact on the innovation community.
  • Grow your business with multiple promotion and sponsorship opportunities.
  • Presence in the exclusive networkings and general agenda of Patents for  Innovation with Speakers.

Why visit

  • Learn about today's most disruptive innovations to apply in different industries.
  • Network to increase your professional network.
  • Attend roundtables and lectures by international experts.
  • Visit the stands of the exhibitors you are most interested in to grow your project.

Don't miss our activities!

Fellow Marketers - Evently Webflow Template

Visualise the future with innovation experts

At P4i there will be roundtables and conferences to learn about the industrial future from the perspective of science.

Marketing Trends - Evently Webflow Template

Meet with the other participants

Promote your project and create a valuable network of contacts. This edition will double the 160 B2B meetings of P4i 2022 and there will be networking sessions with researchers, investors, companies, public entities to make your idea even bigger.

Grow Your Business - Evently Webflow Template

Get to know the scientific results and patents of Universities and Research Centres

During the Investor's Day the projects will be presented in order to find collaborations or investment to promote their research.

Need more information?

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Join the future of technology and innovation: Become an exhibitor, sponsor or visitor and connect with global leaders and innovators.

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