Ana Ramírez

Ana Ramírez

Vice-Councillor of Universities, Research, and Science of the Comunidad de Madrid

Ana Ramírez de Molina (Madrid, 1975) holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2002, Extraordinary Award). Her scientific career has focused on the relationship between metabolism, nutrition, and cancer. She has worked at the Translational Oncology Unit (CSIC-UAM-Hospital La Paz), with extended stays at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. She has published over 120 high-impact scientific articles in the field (including journals such as Lancet Oncology, Nature Communications, Cancer Research, and Genome Biology), several book chapters, and holds six patents transferred to industry. One of these patents led to the creation of TCD Pharma, a CSIC spin-off, where she served as R&D Director for three years (2006-2009), advancing a “first-in-class” drug to Phase I clinical trials for cancer patients. In 2010, she joined IMDEA Food under the Ramón y Cajal program, where she established the Precision Nutrition in Cancer program and contributed to the creation of the GENYAL platform for clinical trials in nutrition, genetics, and health, serving as its Scientific Director for over 10 years. She also played a key role in the development of the center’s Innovation and Communication Unit, coordinating IMDEA's and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid’s participation in the European EIT Food program. In 2012, she was appointed Director of the Precision Nutrition and Cancer Research Program, and in 2014, Deputy Director of the center. During this period, she led eight national and four international projects and was the scientific promoter of two IMDEA Food and UAM spin-off companies, recognized as knowledge-based enterprises. She also participated in 20 projects with companies and hospital networks in the Community of Madrid. In 2022, she was competitively selected as Director of IMDEA Food through an international call. Dr. Ramírez de Molina has received several research awards, including the MSD Young Investigator Award, the International John Kidney Award, and the 8th of March distinction from the Community of Madrid as an outstanding woman in science.

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